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Divide And Conquer: How to Avoid Succumbing to It

The phrase 'divide and conquer' comes from the Latin 'divide et impera.' Roman Emperor Julius Caesar successfully applied the divide and conquer military strategy to defeat Gaul two millennia ago.  


Today, some people believe that the powers-that-be deliberately divide the masses on controversial issues in order to control them. Take topics such as gun control and abortion. You will find plenty of polarizing viewpoints but few balanced stances that avoid extremes. 


Do you feel that modern society suffers from too much division concerning political issues? If so, you can do something about it. Here are some tips for anybody who would rather not fight other members of the 99 percent: 


Use Your Instinct 


If ever you wonder which side is correct on a contentious subject, take a moment to tune in to your instinct. If either argument seems wrong to you on an instinctual level, it probably is. If something feels a little off to you, avoid it. Always trust your instinct.  


Refuse To Engage 


Sometimes, you may read an article or comments on social media that enrage you and make you want to react. Do not react to what you have read. Everyone who responds to such provocation becomes part of a debate that exists to divide the masses so they cannot reach their full power. By refusing to engage, you take your power back.  


Do Your Research 


When you encounter a political issue, try to avoid taking a side. Instead, do some research. Find out more about the contentious topic. Discover why each group feels as they do. Think critically about what you have discovered. If you study the issue from all possible angles, you might find that the subject people are fighting over is more complicated than people think. You cannot solve cultural disputes by taking an extreme stance or refusing to engage with those who think differently from you.  


Listen Actively 


When someone speaks about a topic, and you disagree with them, take the time to listen to them actively. See what you can learn from the other person's perspectives. Avoid listening only to make a convincing counter-argument and win a debate. View conversations with those who hold opposing positions as learning opportunities as opposed to chances to bolster your ego by showing how clever you are.  


Keep Your Cool 


If you are communicating with people who disagree, do you get angry? If so, you should try to keep your cool. If you resort to shouting and name-calling when you get frustrated, you will increase the size of the divide between you both. If you can remain calm and find alternative ways of expressing your views until the other person understands your perspective, you will make far more progress from the interaction.  


Unite And Develop 


The antonym of 'divide and conquer' is 'unite and develop.' If you find opportunities to unite with others and develop new ways of learning and doing things, take them. Whenever possible, get together with others in large numbers. When many people join forces, they can bring about significant changes. Instead of focusing on what makes you different from your neighbor, give attention to all the common ground between you. 


A Brighter Future for Everyone 


It is always wise to be the change you wish to see in the world. If you are tired of divisive political topics, change your reactions to those whose perspectives differ from your own, and look for common ground with them. When others notice your wiser approach to handling such disputes, you might inspire them to do the same. 

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